Sunday, March 27, 2011

and so it begins...

When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer you are devastated, and somewhat confused.  One morning just like any other, we woke up, had coffee, got the little one up for school and started to get ready for our day.  Turns out this was not like any other morning, this was the morning that Neil felt the tumor on his neck for the first time.  He had not been feeling well anyways, so upon feeling this mass on his neck he decided it was time to go to the doctor.  The doctor gave him some medicine for upset stomach and some antibiotics to see if the mass would go down.  We will fast forward to now, Neil has squamous cell  carcinoma of the head and neck with an unknown primary source.  This diagnosis was reached by many different doctors, tests, and even a tonsilectomy.  In only 5 weeks, my world(well this is my blog right?!) has been turned on it's head.  It is a numb feeling, and honestly I just want someone to shake me, wake me, and tell me I have been having a nightmare.   This blog is coming on this journey with me, I will put my feelings here and let everyone know what it's like on "The Wifes Side". 

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