Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It has been a great week so far!  Neil has been feeling really well this past week, working, playing with Grace, not going from the bed to the couch and back to the bed again.  Gracie is sucking it up to the max, all I hear is Daddy, Daddy, Daddy and I love it.  Oh, and tastes good to him and so does water!  Yay!

 I knew this older gentleman years ago, and every single time you asked him how he was his response was always, "just shuffling right along" and I feel like that is what I am doing at this point.  I am finding that I am not constantly thinking about the "C".  My work really has alot to do with my therapy, I see kids doing really sweet, funny, and sometimes weird things on a daily basis, then I get to watch my staff's reactions and that is even better.  I am just gonna say it...I have 21 wonderful, caring, respectful young ladies and gentlman helping me through this by working as a team and making it so less stressful than it could be.  I am very proud of my staff, many thanks and remember if your leaning your cleaning! Ha!  Then there is Carrie, my boss lady, man she hates when I call her that,lol!  She is being what she always has been which is simply there for me, supporting me and cheering me on.

Change of subject...we fear Tony the tumor is gaining in size again, he was shrinking after the first treatment, now getting larger again.  We are just going to wait to see what the dr. says about that.  I have been reading up on this, it could be nothing, so why waste so much effort worrying.  We are enjoying this good week!  We had our first chat with the coping coach at the cancer center yesterday.  Like I told her, besides taking Grace to the doctor for strep throat, I was feeling kind of normal again.  I havn't been to a doctor's office since Neil's chemo.  Ding!  That is the sound of the elevator at the cacer center, and I hate it!  As soon as I heard that Ding! my heart sank and I just sighed.  I am positive people, no worries, but it's the little things like that Ding! that just aggravate me.  On a good note, we are coping well!  It is early into treatment, but we will take that, I mean the social worker told us so.  I found out that I treat Neil like a child when it comes to his nourishment or lack of it.  It's true I do, imagine that, I am a mother, a caregiver, and nurturer.  I will make mental notes to myself about not being his mother when he becomes dehydrated, right!

Second round of chemo coming up on Monday, I will update how we all are doing next week sometime.  Ding!

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