Thursday, April 7, 2011

He has dibs...

So here we are, 3 days after chemotherapy.  It is true that you naturally think about the worst symptoms when you here "chemo", nearly impossible to not go there.  Neil gets a little weaker and little more sickly every day.  The oncologist did tell us before treatment that we would see the tumor shrink pretty quickly, and to our amazement "Tony" has already began to shrink and it is very noticeable.  We are trying to stay grounded, we know even with this shrinkage happening we still have to fullfill the treatment regimen.  Neil felt well enough to go to work yesterday and I know how much he likes to work and how good it made him feel to go in for a bit.  You will notice that I say "we" alot when it comes to the cancer, but I have learned it is not only Neil's disease, it involves our whole family and so it has became "our" cancer.

Neil got his injection yesterday that helps keep his white blood cell count up during chemo.  He had a rough night, but that man of mine refuses to make me feel any kind of burden at all right now.  He could have probably used the whole bed to try and rest, but did not wake me up one time and he was very sick.  I love my sleep that is for sure, but I would sleep on the floor of course if it made him more comfortable right now.  I know his strength is great and he will stay strong for the duration of his treatment.

Gracie woke up with terrible belly cramps and the other bad stuff that accompanies them.  I just have to give my head and shake and keep going.  I told her she could not snuggle up with Daddy since she obviously has some kind of virus.  I do wish that when I get a stomach virus that I would have the gumption to try and jump rope at 8:30 in the morning, really you have to love children and their appetite for action.

 Naturally Neil gave me my belly laugh this morning when he said to Grace "there is only one person allowed to be sick in this house and I have dibs"!  Humor does a body good.

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