Monday, April 4, 2011

Notice of Eviction...

I knew today was not going to be normal by no means, it was Neil's first day of chemo and naturally it is Gracie's first day of Spring break.  Luckily my boss was more than happy to watch Gracie today during Neil's treatment, no way was I gonna miss it.  Grace and I arrived at the Y(one of her favorite places in the world) so Carrie or "boss lady" as I like to call her because she dislikes it could keep Grace for us.  On the way back home to pick up Neil I felt scared, nervous, sad....I could just check D for all of the above I suppose, but I had no idea how he was feeling.  I arrived home to find it spotless because someone had the same nervous energy I was having and he was ready for a fight.  Although Neil was clean shavin and looking pretty darn good I must say, I did notice something a little different about him, or better yet, on him.  My dear, funny hubby had placed a bandaid upon "Tony", his affectionately named tumor that read "Notice of Eviction".  It was like he had just taken all the bad feelings I had been having all morning and tossed them out the window for me, I was laughing while getting ready to drive him to chemo treatment and again I realize just how much I adore him.

The office is packed as usual and of course we are the youngest people here besides staff, you notice these things trust me.  I am truly trying to be happy, upbeat, and calm, but one lady just has to spew nothing but negativity and sadness.  I realize she has no idea she is doing this and I am just hoping like crazy she does not try to bait Neil nor myself  in.  Reality is, these people probably have seen each other either on Mondays or Fridays (when treatments are given) for who knows how long, so I kick back and hit the apps. 
Neil gets weighed in and the nurse just laughs and looks at Neil, she noticed the bandaid!  She thought it was cute too.  The doctor comes in and does his thing, asking if we have any questions and its off to the treatment room.  I would say there are about 10 chairs (all full) and he has to wait his turn.  Realizing this was going to take much longer than the scheduled 4 hours I call in another favor from another great friend.  Yolie is also more than happy to help out and watch Grace for us, good thing too or I may have to squash her like little bug...that's an inside joke peeps!

Neil is not the only first timer there today, another lady is very upset and is crying as the medication starts dripping.  I get the lump in my throat, man if I cry I will probably get the whole room doing it too.  I have to be strong!  I have to watch poison drip into the love of my lifes body to fight a disease that could possibly consume it.  My throat was tight and the nurse kept looking at me waiting for me to possibly break down from what I gathered, but nope, not now, no way.....I am strong! 

I know you are proud of me Neil, I love you more every day.
We made it through together and he is doing well besides a little fatigue and being hungry which is a good thing.

Shout outs must be given....Carrie, like I say, thanks for being you...Yolie, I love your crazy cuban azz...
Tammy, another rock in my life... Tricia, my friend you are so easy to talk to and always listen to my crazy rants...  Shanna,my only sister, I love you, miss you and wish I could give you a real hug...The rest of my Canadian family, we feel your warm thoughts and good wishes for our family...
I am absolutley positive I am missing some very wonderful people that are helping us through this fight right now, but please know your actions and words do not go un-noticed and we appreciatate each and everyone of you.

1 comment:

  1. Not only do you have a sister, you have an Aunt well 2 Aunts that wish they could give you all a big hug.
